The Fapy Lafertin Quartet


“Fapy Lafertin was born in Courtraie, Belgium. He started playing the Hot Club the France repertoire when he joined the orchestra of violinist Piotto Limberger. He also toured with his uncle, Eddie Bamboula Ferret. Between 1975 and 1985 Fapy played alongside Koen de Cauter, leader of the band Waso that popularised worldwide Django’s music and spread Fapy’s name and reputation as a jazz guitarist. This band with Lafertin and De Cauter also comprised Vivi Limberger (guitar) and Michel Verstraeten (bass). After leaving Waso, he embarked on a solo career, playing with big bands and well-known jazz artists such as Charlie Byrd, Scott Hamilton, Al Casey, Benny Waters, and Milt Hinton...” more.